For the Love of Art - Feb 2025
2025 Event Guide Link
ArtForms, a 501(c)(3), supports and promotes all artistic forms. The mission of ArtForms is to ensure that our creative community is regarded as a revenue-generating industry. We work towards the recognition of the greater Las Cruces area as an international art and cultural destination.
ArtForms members include professional artists, art enthusiasts, business owners, hobbyists, retirees, students and teachers. The diversity of our group makes for a valuable resource of experience, skills and information. If you are interested in joining our organization please download the membership form.
Every February ArtForms' members organize and promote For the Love of Art Month, that runs for the entire month. Following the Las Cruces City Council proclaimation declaring arts an important component of a community's quality of life, galleries, museums, non traditional venues and artists' studios welcome the public to exhibits reflecting the vibrancy, diversity, history and culture of art in southern New Mexico. Special activities include studio and gallery tours, a member art show and art venues all around the town.
President: Karen Conley
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Marj Leininger
Secretary: Chris Kemler
Member at Large: NoëL Sandino
Member at Large: Penny Peace
Chair FLOA: Karen Conley
Contact: artformsnm@gmail.com